Gordon’s Dry Gin 20cl is a compact rendition of a classic gin that has defined the industry for over 250 years. Made with a secret blend of botanicals, this gin delivers a crisp, bold flavor that continues to captivate gin lovers worldwide. Its smaller size makes it versatile and perfect for a variety of occasions.
The gin boasts a bright and refreshing profile, with juniper taking center stage. Hints of citrus and earthy botanicals provide a balanced and smooth taste, making it an excellent base for a range of cocktails. Whether mixed with tonic, soda, or enjoyed neat, Gordon’s Dry Gin ensures a premium drinking experience.
The 20cl bottle is perfect for those who value convenience without sacrificing quality. Its portable size is ideal for traveling, gifting, or trying Gordon’s for the first time. Despite its smaller stature, it offers the same uncompromising taste as the larger bottles, ensuring every drop is as exceptional as the legacy it represents.
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